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Work Link provides individually tailored employment assistance to adults with disabilities in the Niagara Region. Our Case Managers will work with you to create a Return-to-Work–Action–Plan that works best for your situation.

This program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario




• Assistance with career exploration and decision-making
• Creating a professional resume and cover letter
• Accessing funding for skills training (Second Career)
• Job search assistance including services of a Job Developer
• Accessing hiring incentives (Wage Subsidies)
• Discussing workplace accommodations
• Access to our Job Resource Centre
• Various workshops
• Self-Employment Assistance
• Referral to NCIL Advocacy worker (if necessary)

Staff here is very knowledgeable and have helped me on many aspects relating to employment so I can live a meaningful life.


(continued on google reviews)

Our professional staff have extensive knowledge and experience providing consumer-centred employment services for individuals with disabilities. We also have a wealth of experience to offer employers wishing to hire and accommodate an individual with a disability.


We can meet you in our main office in St. Catharines or at any of our 7 satellite locations across the Niagara Region (Fort Erie, Port Colborne, Welland, Niagara Falls, Beamsville, Grimsby or Smithville).


Contact Us To set up Your First Appointment

If you are considering retraining for your next career, you may be eligible for funding to assist with your training costs. Your Work Link Case Manager can assess your eligibility and suitability for the Second Career program (Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities) and assist you with the completion and submission of your application.

Job search

Funding may also be available for hiring incentives such as Wage Subsidies, to help employers offset the costs of initial training periods etc. Please speak to your Case Manager for more information.


Customer Service Charter

The Niagara Centre for Independent Living is committed to providing a multi-service employment centre to assist persons with disabilities in identifying and achieving their employment goals. We encourage community partnerships and our professional staff are committed to providing confidential services that are accessible, respectful, empowering and consumer driven.


We believe that consumers have the right to make decisions and choices about their own lives and we are committed to providing accurate career-related information to assist with the informed decision-making process.



We truly value your experiences and welcome your comments and suggestions about our services.  You can do so in the following ways:


• Request a Customer Service Survey from your Case Manager or any agency staff member

• Communicate your thoughts with the Work Link Program Manager (or any staff member) in person, in writing, or via telephone, TTY or email

• Contact the Executive Director in your desired manner 

Our Job Resource Centre is available from monday to friday 
9am to Noon and 1pm to 4pm daily

 The Resource Area at NCIL is a popular, accessible space utilized by Work Link and Advocacy clients, along with members from the local community. For ease of access, our computers are set up on desks with adjustable heights and have a variety of adaptive software. 


  • job related computer use

  • telephone service

  • fax services

  • limited amount of free photocopies of resumes


Friendly staff are always available to assist with general inquiries, and the shelves are stocked with books, local newspapers and other useful publications.

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